Wednesday 30 September 2015



It is cannot denied that Malaysia is a multicultural society. We can see that there are differences parenting practices of different culture such as Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sabah and Sarawak and Aboriginal people.

In malays, they are emphasizing love-oriented techniques when disciplining their children, giving encouragement in their children’s studies and malay child is growing up emotionally secure but also independent. 

For Chinese, the parents bring pressure and expectations high on their children as they focus significant amounts of money upon their children when the children succeed in academics and other areas.

Whereas for Indians, parents are strict with children behavior when communicate with elder and whole family is involved in rearing of children.

For Sabah and Sarawak, the family is patriarchal family where the father made the decision for his family. Although Sabah and Sarawak parents are not as strict as parents in urban country but they will send their children to school at an early age especially for aboriginal people that some of the parents are not able to discipline so they send them to school to give their teacher to educate them.

Orang Asli parents are proud with their beliefs and culture, so that they did not expect much on the children. They teach their children to sustain their life without being dependent on money.

In conclusion, although parents from different culture have different styles to practice their children but they have same motive to see their children success in their future. So, whatever the parents decide for their children will give a great impact on their children’s lives and behavior. No matter what is the our culture, we will love and take care of our children from being hurt. 


  1. After read about this article, I learn that they have difference parenting cultures ways to educate their children.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Finally i'm fully understand how much important culture can educate the child

  4. The video are so funny at the first and it show parenting love in the last... Nice video. And the article are clear and easy to understand
